14 June 2006

"I don't have time to read"

I love to read. I've always been a voracious reader. From the time I was a kid, I'm always reading something...from cereal boxes (I loathe & don't eat ceral by the way) to epic novels...I simply find great joy in books. Books are my friends. In fact, I'm completely anal about taking care of them. I once loaned a close friend a book (always makes me nervous) and he had the nerve to return it with the cover off, and the binding broken! I was furious, and refused to accept it. He was forced to buy me a new copy, and I don't think that's unreasonable!

Anyway, we all get so busy with work, kids, life, that sometimes its hard to find time to read as much as we'd like. Or we'd like to read something other than our current find, or want something new, but we just don't know what. So, I found a couple of great online resources, I'd like to share!

Read It First c/o of St. Martin's Press offers a free membership to join and each day they send you another chapter from a soon-t0-be released book, that doesn't take any more than 5 minutes to read! It's great for that small break!

Dear Reader offers the same sort of thing, they will send you another chapter in your email each day, but you actually get to choose which bookclubs you want to join. From mysteries to romance to classics. (I'm rereading "Little Women" c/o the Classics book club this week.)

I hope someone else enjoys reading as much as I do, and will benefit from these few minutes of literary enlightenment!


Carrie K said...

That would drive me crazy, having my book dribbled out to me like that! I can barely restrain myself from peeking at the end as it is.

Oh,you and my brother. I read one of his Heinlein's tanning in the backyard and the paperback melted a bit. He was enraged. (I bought him a new copy). It was pretty funny because my brother is the calmest sweetest guy in the world and to see him all hopped up?

Kimba said...

I suppose I like the little bit each day simply because it doesn't take away from the books I'm avidly reading, yet gives me a peek into something else? Especcially when there are those few minutes of downtime at work.