30 September 2006

Oh Boy!

Today I'm feeling a little like Sam from "Quantum Leap" as at the beginning & end of every episode you'd hear him exclaim "oh boy!"

Yesterday was my level 2 ultrasound which showed us all sorts of coolness, including the fact that the baby shows no signs of any genetic defects...and that he is, indeed, a BOY!!! I had my feelings as such since very early on, but kept semi-quiet about it, just in case. Hubby is thrilled to have his "heir". Big sis is thrilled too! Me? I'm excited, though nervous as I know NOTHING about little boys! (Believe me when I say we are not sports/cars sorts of people! Art, theatre, dance, dress up, castles, swords, pirates..that's what this child's future holds. But I'm excited!! Any boy tips you can share, please do!!!! I'm off to go shop!


angela said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations. Boys are fun and they love loe love their mamas...

Christina said...

Congrats on your little boy!! And thanks for visiting me today :)
