27 February 2006


I've tried to rent space on a blog I've enjoyed reading by Jac. We'll see if I get accepted or not. But I figure, I've written my thoughts here to share with the world, family, friends. I should be slightly more proactive about actually sharing them. Sometimes they are sheer babble, but isn't that the point? To have that expressive moment, that place in the internet world all your own? It's a crazy endeavour, but I thrive on commentary from others. I draw energy from it. And as a stay-at-home mom, I could really use it right now.

Some friends of mine use a phrase I like "being authentic". It means to be true to yourself & the world. Without pretense or agenda. I've tried hard to become that sort of person, and in doing so I think I've lost a few special people along the way. In attempting to reconnect not only to them, but to myself, I've been looking forward and trying not to draw off the past, but start anew. So when I read Jac's blog about being in the 101 in 1001 project I felt inspired. My own 101 in 1001 will be posted soon at http://kimba1001.blogspot.com I hope to accomplish alot.

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