Time is Fleeting
I was sitting here today thinking of how fast time flies. How my daughter was a baby only a moment ago, a sweet little girl with piggy tails who loved broccoli & her babies, and always ready for a hug. Now she's 13 with a sassy bob who still loves broccoli & her babies have a loving place on her bed. But she's also smart, sometimes wise, overtly sassy, highly independent (she can cook a mean breakfast), and sometimes wants nothing to do with me. How did the time fly by so very fast? How is it that in only a few years time she'll be going off to college? As I sit and await the arrival of this new baby, I can't help but realize just how quickly he too will be up walking & talking, and before I know it dating & driving. I don't feel any older (and don't look much older than goodness) than when I had my daughter 13 years ago, so how is it possible that much time has actually gone by? And did I spend those years the best way I could? Have I been raising her to be kind & make wise choices? Am I a good mom? Can I be better?
we were thinking the same thoughts today...
I think (worry) every day about whether or not I'm being a good mommy; making the right decisions, making enough of a mix of discipline and play, encouraging gratitude and grace...
Some days it makes me crazy, and some days it makes me sad (on those days the best thing in the world is a giant hug and that wonderful gaze of love in her eyes).
Tron - you're doing very well with Kitten, encouraging the right things, and I'm SURE rewarding them as well. (otherwise why else would she have times where she wants nothing to do with you?) How sad that the ultimate role of a good parent is making himself or herself obsolete... and that the mark of a great parent is no matter how obsolete, still being desired, preffered, loved.
I'm babbling... rambling, lost...
It's so easy to look at them and see their growth and wonder what could have been different. They DO grow up quickly...I see my older boys (18 and 17) and am so amazed at their growth and who they are becoming.
p.s. thank you
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