An Ode to Caleb
In my son's 3 1/2 weeks of life here on the outside I have never had more conversations, discussions, or given more praise for poop, farts or burps. Maybe it's a boy thing? But I find my self (and the hubby) praising the little guys burps ("Yeah, that was a big one"), flatulence ("Oooh, that has to feel better now") and even his excrement ("MegaPoo!") This is to say nothing of the continual fear of the "firehose" that could go off at any given diaper change...all over himself or me. I suppose considering it takes up a third of my day (the other 2/3 consumed by feedings and singing silly madeup songs...not sleep!) My husband suggested that since we do renaissance faire, we should have reconsidered naming him "Henry Tooter"! (haha!) I suddenly feel my intellectual self slipping slowly away into the diaper pail! Save me!!
Boys are fun...if you put a washcloth or something over him as soon as the diaper comes off, it does cut down on the number of extra showers you will get...not just because it would be a barrier, but because there is something about the air hitting their little boy parts that makes that happen.
You sound like fun mommy...
have a great weekend.
Oh yes...with four of them...I've been baptized more than once. It's those middle of the nights when you didn't want to turn on the lights that will get you the most.
:-) Congratulations again.
I've never been so obsessed with poop. I try to warn people. You will talk about poop all the time.
And sort of like it.
I'm so sorry I didn't warn you to kiss your intellectual self good-bye...
for another 5 or 6 years or so.
best wishes!
now you know why Kimi has the nickname "Tooter"...girls are no better :)
I forgot to add...Caleb's talk of poop is legendary.
Kassi...and thus the reason this post is dedicated to him! ha!
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