13 Crazy Things about Me...Kimba1. I hate socks in the summer.
(I blame it on growing up on a lake. With or without shoes, I simply can't abide by them.)
2. I love chocolate.
(Ok, maybe that isn't crazy, but seriously, I'll forgo most things just for a piece of good chocolate. Preferably an English Yorkie bar or Austrian Mozart)
3. I hate American swill..er...beers. I love British beers.
(Granted, now that I'm preggo I can't have any.)
4. I loathe, detest, passionately hate American football & baseball.
(The great American pasttimes, my butt! Give me hockey or cricket anyday!)
5. I hate being short.
(At 5', clothes never fit right...and I'm married to a 6'3" giant.)
6. I adore Halloween.
(My favourite day of the year! How can you not like a day that give you permission to dress in costume and people give you candy?!)
7. I hate cutesy holiday decorations.
(Halloween should be spooky. Christmas should be lovely or spiritual. Not cute.)
8. I have to have icy cold milk in the morning.
(Other people must start their day with coffee, I need milk. 1% preferred.)
9. Coke good. Pepsi bad.
(Need I really say more?)
10. I am Project Runway addict.
(Ever since the first season. Come Wednesday night the world stops
for an hour while hubby & I both watch, comment, and judge.)
11. I'm a theatre snob.
(We are trying to decide which season tickets to buy this year,
and I realized just how critical I am.)
12. I love reading blogs.
(I've grown to love reading about the lives of complete strangers...and friends.)
13. Sex makes me laugh.
(Perhaps I didn't need to share this,
but I can't tell you how often my husband and I end up cracking up.)
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