So why am I revisiting this? Because my life has taken a turn I never saw coming and I feel like I need to write about it. I don't expect anyone to read this, but if you're here and are reading it...this is what it is now.
I am in kidney failure.

So, despite the fact I have no other medical conditions (that's actually a really good thing, most people in renal failure can't say that, apparently), I currently have only 9% kidney function. I have no pain, no real problems, just kidneys that need to be replaced.
So you'd think, Great, get a transplant! Insurance. Don't get me started on why we need universal healthcare. (I have insurance, they just don't want to pay for a's just my life, no big deal, right?!)
Here's the deal...I'm active.
I am a Tour Manager. I have kids. I'm an actor and event planner.
And now my life is complicated by this "gift" of kidney failure.
I don't like being told I can't...and I'm going to do my best to NOT let this stop me.
But it's hard.
And slightly depressing.
And so I need to write about I DON'T fall into a state of depression.
Bear with me. It's going to be a bumpy ride.